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How an archetype mix reinforces your brand

October 8, 2023

Learn how a mix of brand archetypes can strengthen your brand by choosing and combining the right archetypes for more personality and familiarity.


Archetypes help brands develop a strong, recognisable personality. But instead of choosing one archetype, a mix of archetypes can make your brand even more powerful. In this article, you'll learn what brand archetypes are, how to choose the right archetypes for your company, and how a smart mix can strengthen and differentiate your brand.

Table of Contents

  1. What are brand archetypes?
  2. Why archetypes are relevant to small businesses
  3. How do archetypes work in branding?
  4. What is an archetype mix and why use it?
  5. How to choose the right archetypes for your brand
  6. How an archetype mix reinforces your brand
  7. Common archetype mix mistakes
  8. Conclusion

1. What are brand archetypes?

Brand archetypes are recurring symbols or characters based on universal behaviors and emotions. These concepts were originally introduced by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who stated that there are 12 archetypes that guide our behavior. Each archetype represents a specific personality or attitude that brands can use to build an emotional connection with their target audience.

The 12 classic archetypes are:

  1. The Innocent
  2. The Wise
  3. The Hero
  4. The Rebel
  5. The Creator
  6. The Jester
  7. The Magician
  8. The Ruler
  9. The Caregiver
  10. The Beloved
  11. The Explorer
  12. The Everyday Man

Examples of brands that rely heavily on archetypes include Nike (The Hero), Harley-Davidson (The Rebel), and Disney (The Magician).

2. Why archetypes are relevant to small businesses

For small businesses, building a strong, recognisable brand is often a challenge due to limited resources and competition. By choosing an archetype or archetype mix, small companies can give their brand a clear personality that appeals to customers and makes them recognisable.

Archetypes offer:

  • Emotional connection: People connect more quickly with brands that express a recognisable personality.
  • Clear positioning: Archetypes help you clearly communicate your brand values and what makes your company unique.
  • Brand consistency: An archetype provides a guide to your brand identity so that you are consistent in your communication and expressions.

3. How do archetypes work in branding?

A brand archetype is more than just a fun concept; it provides a framework for how your brand behaves, communicates, and interacts with customers. Each archetype has unique characteristics and values that meet the needs and wishes of specific target groups.

For example:

  • The Hero addresses customers who want to overcome challenges and strive for personal growth.
  • The Caregiver is ideal for brands that want to protect and support their customers, such as health and insurance companies.
  • The Rebel attracts adventurous, independent people who want change and are not afraid to challenge the status quo.

By choosing an archetype that matches your company's values and your customers' needs, you can build a strong emotional connection and create a brand that stands out in the market.

4. What is an archetype mix and why use it?

Instead of opting for one archetype, a combination of archetypes — an archetype mix — can provide a more powerful brand identity. An archetype mix makes your brand more versatile and offers the opportunity to highlight different aspects of your brand personality, depending on the context.

An archetype mix is relevant because:

  • It makes your brand more complex and dynamic: People and brands are never one-dimensional. A mix of archetypes makes your brand richer and more in line with people's real, multi-faceted personalities.
  • It creates balance: By choosing a mix, you can combine the strengths of different archetypes and compensate for any weaknesses.
  • You can focus on multiple target groups: An archetype mix allows your brand to communicate with different segments of your target audience without your brand appearing inconsistent.

For instance, a mix of The Hero and The Creator can create an innovative company that is constantly looking for new ways to overcome obstacles, while at the same time valuing creativity and innovation.

5. How do you choose the right archetypes for your brand?

When choosing the right archetypes for your brand, it's important to first take a good look at your brand values, your mission, and what your target audience cares about. Here are a few steps you can follow:

  1. Analyze your brand values: What core values do you want your brand to represent? Is it adventure, caring, wisdom, or maybe innovation? Your values help you identify the archetypes that best suit your brand.
  2. Know your target group: Understand who your customers are and what motivates them. What do they look for in a brand? For some customers, trust and safety are important, while others are more looking for adventure or change.
  3. Choose one dominant archetype: While a mix of archetypes can be valuable, it's often helpful to have a dominant archetype that's at the core of your brand. This ensures a strong, clear positioning.
  4. Combine with complementary archetypes: After choosing your dominant archetype, choose one or two additional archetypes that make the brand personality more complete. These secondary archetypes can help add extra dimensions to your brand.

6. How an archetype mix reinforces your brand

A well-chosen archetype mix can not only make a brand more versatile, but also more effective in communicating brand personality. Here are some of the ways an archetype mix can strengthen your brand:

More emotional depth

By combining multiple archetypes, you can convey more complex emotions and values to your target group. This makes your brand accessible to different customer emotions and moods.

For example: The Beloved and The Ruler together, they can form a brand that, on the one hand, puts the customer first, while on the other hand, it exudes leadership and expertise.

Flexibility in communication

With an archetype mix, you can tailor different marketing campaigns to specific archetypes, depending on the goal. This makes your brand more flexible and better able to respond to different market situations or customer needs.

A brand that is the archetypes The Hero and The Rebel combines, can express both empowerment and non-conformism, depending on the message and platform.

Increased customer loyalty

When your customers appreciate multiple aspects of your brand, they'll feel more connected. An archetype mix gives you the opportunity to serve different target groups, allowing customers to identify with your brand at different levels.

7. Common archetype mix errors

Although an archetype mix offers many advantages, there are also pitfalls to watch out for as a small entrepreneur:

  • Choosing too many archetypes: While a mix can be valuable, choosing too many archetypes can dilute your brand and make it inconsistent. Stick to a dominant archetype and one or two supporting archetypes.
  • Combining archetypes that clash: Some archetypes are naturally not a good match. For instance, The Jester and The Ruler have completely different approaches. Combining these archetypes can make your brand confusing for customers.
  • Lack of consistency: Even with a mix of archetypes, make sure that your brand message and expressions remain consistent. Without consistency, you lose the power of a clear brand.

8. Conclusion

An archetype mix can make your brand more powerful, flexible and attractive to different target groups. Combining multiple archetypes helps you create a richer brand personality and help your brand resonate with customers at different levels.

By carefully choosing which archetypes to use and how to balance them, you can develop a brand that is not only recognisable, but also connects emotionally with your target group. Start defining your archetype mix today and empower your brand to stand out and grow.

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